Safeguarding Policy: Children & Adults at risk

Reviewed / Reissued: 1st January 2023

Across Shotokan Connect we place the utmost importance on the wellbeing of all our students. As such, we aim to ensure that students can train with us in a safe, respectful and positive environment, at all times. Within this, a key priority is safeguarding of children (defined for this purpose as under 18 years old) and adults at risk, from all forms of abuse.


In terms of this policy, we recognise there are four categories of abuse we need to prevent:


  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse (including bullying or intimidation)
  • Neglect
  • Sexual abuse


All Shotokan Connect instructors are committed to:


  • educating themselves about the circumstances in which abuse can occur.
  • monitoring the situation within their club and being alert to any signs of abuse.
  • being a role model and making clear the standards of behaviour expected of themselves, their fellow instructors and students.
  • ensuring that any concerns, incidents or suspected/alleged abuse are reported to the relevant external authorities swiftly, and that appropriate internal steps are taken in line with Shotokan Connect procedures.


All instructors are required to have an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check, and the status of these is reviewed on a regular basis.


Any member (or parent/guardian/carer of a member) with questions regarding safeguarding, is welcome to discuss them with their club instructor(s).


Issues, concerns or allegations of abuse should be raised with their club’s senior instructor as a matter of urgency. If that not appropriate or possible, they should be raised directly with the Shotokan Connect Safeguarding lead via:


Extensive further guidance on the topic of safeguarding is available from the EKF (English Karate Federation) to which Shotokan Connect is affiliated, via the following links: