Last Updated: 1st January 2022
The affairs of Shotokan Connect shall be controlled by a Steering Committee drawn from the members of Shotokan Connect. The Steering Committee will meet at agreed intervals and not less than four times per year.
The Steering Committee will comprise of nine positions as follows:
Chair Person
Vice Chair Person
Connection Manager
Finance Manager
Communication, Marketing and Website Manager
Data Protection Manager
Wellbeing Manager
Events & Social Manager
Appointment to the Steering Committee shall be through an application, selection and interview process, based on predetermined criteria specific to each committee position. The appointment process will be conducted by the Founder Members of Shotokan Connect. Any member of Shotokan Connect is eligible to submit an application for any available position on the committee.
The duties of the Steering Committee will be:
to provide proper management and control the affairs of Shotokan Connect on behalf of the affiliated clubs and members
to keep accurate accounts of the finances of Shotokan Connect through the Finance Manager. These should be available for reasonable inspection by affiliated clubs and members;
Shotokan Connect shall maintain a bank current account held in the name of Shotokan Connect Ltd and all income/funds will be deposited into it. Payments on behalf of Shotokan Connect must be authorised by at least two of the following: Chair Person; Vice Chair Person; and Finance Manager;
to co-opt additional members to sub-committees/working groups as the Steering Committee feels is necessary. Co-opted members shall not be entitled to a vote on the Steering Committee;
to make decisions, give assent to, or ratify decisions made by the sub-committees/working groups on the basis of a simple majority vote of the Steering Committee members present at the meeting where one person has one vote irrespective of whether they hold more than one role save that, in the case of equal votes, the Chair Person shall be entitled to an additional casting vote
organise any competitions, courses and other events.
All members of the Steering Committee are appointed for a period of two years.
Any member of the Steering Committee who fails to fulfil their responsibilities, or is absent from three consecutive meetings, will be required to step down from their position as a member of the committee.