Grading Kumite Options

Last Updated: 3rd February 2023

Guidance for Club Instructors on the Selection of Kumite Options for Sandan, Yondan and Godan Gradings

The Shotokan Connect Dan Grading Syllabus allows karateka grading for 3rd, 4th and 5th dan to select from two options the most suitable method by which they will demonstrate their knowledge and skills of kumite during their grading. This innovative approach has been adopted for a number of reasons associated with equality, diversity, and knowledge and skills development. It allows the karateka to tailor the grading to accommodate particular individual challenges. While such adaptation of the grading syllabus and process has been adopted by other well established Shotokan karate organisations, it has never been formally recognised or described.

The selection of which option is to be demonstrated by the karateka during the grading is an important decision, which must be made by the karateka in collaboration with the senior club instructor. It is the senior club instructor’s responsibility to be fully informed of the particular challenges faced by each karateka taking a senior dan grading. The decision as to which option is chosen must be made on the basis of the particular challenges faced by the karateka, while ensuring that the choice made provides a suitably rigorous assessment during the grading, that both demonstrates fully the karateka’s abilities, and facilitates their karate and personal development.

It is the senior club instructor’s responsibility to notify the Shotokan Connect Grading Manager of the option selected at least 14 days prior to the grading. This will allow the grading manager and examiners to plan the grading and allow the appropriate amount of time for each candidate. Failure to notify the Shotokan Connect Grading Manager of the option selected at least 14 days prior to the grading will result in the karateka being required to perform jiyu kumite during their grading.